Thursday, July 14, 2005

July 9-10: Valencia

A word about European low-fare carriers: we are traveling between countries by airplane rather than train. I actually only costs about $50 a person! Of course, it's rather uncomfortable, with about 190 passengers crammed into a 737 in seats that don't recline. Flying must be a rather new phenomenon for some Europeans, as the whole cabin spontoneously burst into applause when we landed, as if to say, "It's a miracle we're still alive, good job!" On Saturday morning, we arrive in Valencia, Spain. In Spain, especially a more ordinary town such as Valencia, there are less tourists than Italy. Upon exploring the vast local market, it was strange, yet more authentic, to actually be mingling with the locals! Also, less English is spoken here, so it's good Scott knows enough Spanish to get us by.

We stayed at a nice hostel near the Plaza de la Reina. The cathedral there had very interesting achitechure with a series of domes down either side. The cathedral claims to hold the chalice used by Christ during the Last Supper.

The first day we also walked a ways down a long park (made out of a dried up river) to the huge and futuristic City of Arts and Sciences:

The evening was capped off with a variety of tapas ("little foods") and churros con chocolate in the Plaza de la Reina.

Sunday was a day to soak in the sun and warm waters of the Mediterrainian!

That night we had a dinner of paella Valenciana and sangria! We arrived at the restaurant at 9:00, and it looked like they were closing. But they were actually just opening for dinner! Things happen quite late here in Spain.

Next, off to Toledo!


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